Учреждение образования "Белоозёрский государственный колледж электротехники"

For Foreigners


 Vocational School of Electrical Engineering in Beloozersk…

Its birth and development are closely connected with building and operation of a leader of power — the Bereza  state district power station which has settled down between three spring lakes in the heart of the Brest Polesye. And in 1958 there was a new city with light name Beloozersk. He peered at the world eyes-lakes: Black — as if memory, White — as if eternity.

The Bereza state district power station required competent, knowing experts.  Idea of building a prep school for the Ministry of Energy has arisen.

On October, 1st, 1966 according to the order No.2 Committees on vocational training at Ministerial council of BSSR was opened Beloozersk Vocational School of  electrical engineering  No.82 .

The first s specialities on which experienced workers prepared, were: the electrical engineer of station, substation and LET (ЛЭП); the electrician of rural electrification.

A year later, in 1967, the national economy has received 270 qualified experts.

For the 30-year-old period of work it is prepared more than six thousand young workers. The Beloozersk Vocational School No.82 became really the important school of manpower reserves for all huge country, the former USSR.

Pupils successfully worked, improving professional skills, on building of Kursk and Smolensk NPP, in Orel and Tolyati, in Novgorod and Leningrad, in Narva and Yerevan, practically in all corners of the USSR and our Belarus.

The school has always responded to the needs of the economy, so to prepare the staff for various professions: painter-plasterer, bricklayer, autocrane driver, turner, radiomontazhnik, shoes assembler, mistress estates, vegetable growers, planter of greenery, computer operator. But the visiting card of the college since first year and till today there were trades the electro assembler and electric and gas welder.

Improving quality of vocational training and with a view of youth social protection, preparation on the integrated specialities has begun: the mechanic-electroassembler, the electric welder of manual welding, electric and gas welder.

Наша история

Профессиональное электротехническое училище в Белоозерске…

Его рождение и развитие тесно связаны со строительством и эксплуатацией флагмана энергетики — Березовской ГРЭС, расположившейся между тремя родниковыми озерами в самом сердце Брестского Полесья. А в 1958 году появился новый город со светлым названием Белоозерск. Он всматривался в мир глазами-озёрами: Чёрное — словно память, Белое — словно вечность.

Березовской ГРЭС требовались грамотные, знающие специалисты. Возникла идея строительства подготовительной школы для Министерства энергетики.

1 октября 1966 года по приказу № 2 Комитета по профессиональному обучению при Совете Министров БССР было открыто Белоозерское профтехучилище электротехники № 82. Первыми специальностями, по которым готовились опытные рабочие, были: электромеханик станции, подстанции и ЛЭТ (ЛЭП); электромонтер сельской электрификации.

Через год, в 1967 году, народное хозяйство получило 270 квалифицированных специалистов. За 30-летний период работы подготовлено более шести тысяч молодых рабочих. Белоозерское профтехучилище №82 стало поистине важнейшей школой кадрового резерва для всей огромной страны, бывшего СССР. Ученики успешно работали, повышая квалификацию, на строительстве Курской и Смоленской АЭС, в Орле и Тольяти, в Новгороде и Ленинграде, в Нарве и Ереване, практически во всех уголках СССР и нашей Беларуси.

Колледж всегда отвечал потребностям экономики, поэтому готовил кадры по различным профессиям: маляр-штукатур, каменщик, машинист автокрана, токарь, радиомонтажник, сборщик обуви, хозяйка усадеб, овощевод, озеленитель, оператор ЭВМ. Но визитной карточкой колледжа с первого курса и по сегодняшний день были профессии электромонтажник и электрогазосварщик. Повышая качество профессиональной подготовки и в целях социальной защиты молодежи, начата подготовка по интегрированным специальностям: слесарь-электромонтажник, электросварщик ручной сварки, электрогазосварщик.


Shimchuk Alexandr Vasilevich
Шимчук Александр Васильевич
tel: +3751643-5-81-76
Deputy director for training and production work
Заместитель директора по учебно-производственной работе
Vodich Anna Vladimirovna  
Водич Анна Владимировна
Deputy director on educational work
Заместитель директора по учебно-воспитательной работе
Litovchik Svetlana Mihailovna
Литовчик Светлана Михайловна
tel. +3751643- 5-08-87
Deputy director for administrative and economic work
Главный бухгалтер
Juk Vera Nikolaevna
Жук Вера Николаевна
tel. +3751643- 5-8179
Selection committee of bodies: College admissions office:
Приемная комиссия колледжа

tel. +3751643- 4-13-19
tel. +3751643- 5-81-76


Secondary special education

On the basis of general basic education with general secondary education:

The training period is 3 years and 7 months

  • Installation and operation of electrical equipment; electrical technician

Vocational and technical education

On the basis of general basic education with general secondary education:

The training period is 3 years

  • Computer operator (personal electronic computing machines); the seller
  • Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment; manual welding electric welder.
  • Installer of technological equipment and related structures; electric gas welder.

On the basis of general secondary education:

The training period is 1 year

  • Security and fire alarm electrician


Среднее специальное образование

На базе общего базового образования с получением общего среднего образования:

Срок обучения 3 года 7 месяцев

  • Монтаж и эксплуатация электрооборудования; техник-электрик

Профессионально-техническое образование

На базе общего базового образования с получением общего среднего образования:

Срок обучения 3 года

  • Оператор ЭВМ (персональных электронно-вычислительных машин); продавец.
  • Электромонтер по ремонту и обслуживанию электрооборудования; электросварщик ручной сварки.
  • Монтажник технологического оборудования и связанных с ним конструкций; электрогазосварщик.

На базе общего среднего образования:

Срок обучения 1 год

  • Электромонтер охранно-пожарной сигнализации

The average vocational education

Competitive selection is carried out on the basis of the marks specified in the document on formation.

Documents acceptance from June, 15th till August, 20th

The pupils who have received vocational training on qualification «the Electro assembler on an electric equipment, power and lighting networks» or «the Electrical engineer on repair and electric equipment service» and 3 category having by a trade and above, can continue training at the college level on a speciality «Installation and electric equipment operation», qualification — the technician-electrician.

The day form of training. Training term — 2 year

The correspondence form of training. Training term — 3 years  

Documents acceptance and transfer

The training form Documents acceptance Transfer
The day form of training.  — At the expense of budget means  — — On the terms of payment   From July July, 20th From July, 15th till August, 14th     On July, 25th On August, 16th  
The correspondence: — At the expense of budget means — On the terms of payment     From July, 15th till August, 8th From July, 15th till August, 14th   On August, 13th On August, 16th  

To competitive selection the persons having in the document on formation of a mark not below 3 (three) points are supposed.

Entrants who have got vocational training on the basis of the general base education, are enlisted on competition of a mean score of the diploma about vocational training.

Entrants who have received vocational training on the basis of the general secondary education, are enlisted on competition of a mean score of two documents on formation (the certificate about the general secondary education and the diploma about vocational training).

Pupils are provided with a hostel.

The graduates of the college who has received a trade «the Operator of electronic computers», can continue training in Pinsk professional college of light industry on a speciality «the Software of information technologies».

Reception conditions

Required documents:

1. The application addressed to the Director.

2. General Certificate of Basic Education or General Certificate of Secondary Education (the original).

3. Medical certificate in form 086 / W.

4. 6 photos of 3×4.

5. A passport (copy).

6. Map of vaccination (a copy).

 Competitive selection of students is based on estimates in the document on education. The preferential right given to applicants with a direction on studies from companies and organizations. Students who have got a secondary education receive a grant;  based on basic education — are provided with a one-time hot meals, and students from poor families — three times a day with hot meals.

 Needy students are provided with hostel.

On the basis of the general secondary education


Необходимые документы:
1. Заявление на имя директора.
2. Общий аттестат об основном образовании или общий аттестат о среднем образовании (оригинал).
3. Медицинская справка.
4. 6 фото 3х4.
5. Паспорт (копия).
6. Карта прививок (копия).

Конкурсный отбор обучающихся осуществляется на основании оценок в документе об образовании. Преимущественное право предоставляется абитуриентам с направлением на обучение от предприятий и организаций. Студенты, получившие среднее образование, получают стипендию; на базе основного образования — обеспечиваются разовым горячим питанием, а учащиеся из малообеспеченных семей — трехразовым горячим питанием. Учащимся предоставляется место в общежитии.

Methodical Materials

History 1. Trends and contradictions of the political development of the USSR (1945-1991) (French technology teacher workshops)
2. The First World War (a revision and summarizing  lesson)
3. Latin America in the second half of XX century (technology development of critical thinking)
Geography 1.Development of the fuel-and energy industry. Alternative Energy Sources.
2. Environmental pollution and ecological problems
Extra-curricular work in history 1. Gulnya «Замарочкі із бочкі»
2. «The historical kaleidoscope» (game)
3. Game «Intelligent casino»
4. The game «What? Where? When?
5. May. Brain Ring «Vivat Story»
Extra-curricular work in Geography 1. Geography quiz
2. Game «Open Case»
3. Quiz
4. Great Patriotic War
5. The epoch of Peter I


Amateur performances review-competition is annually spent in our college. This is a great event for all: for spectators it is an interesting show, and for participants it is hard preparation work.
Each study group tries as better as possible to prepare a program and to show all pupils’ talents. A lot of other actions are held in our college: exhibitions of arts and crafts and technical creativity, competitions «The Best by a Trade», «And Well, Guys! » etc.


Formation of socially and morally mature person, development of competitive capacity of a future specialist is reached by aimed educational and recreation activity. Clubs on interests, subject and professional circles, associations and sections are both hobbies and new knowledge and skills.

«Club of Kind Hearts», «Heritage», «We», «Informer», «Rhythm» and other public associations help pupils to form positive humanistic behaviour, conviction in ideals, civilisation and patriotism.

   «Culinary specialist», «Cook», «Mad handles», «The Circle of toys making», «The Circle of art creativity», «Rag», «Miracle-clay» — names of these circles speak for themselves, and the results of pupils creativity can be seen at arts and crafts exhibitions.

   There is a number of professional circles in the college: «Metal constructions», «Technical creativity», «Technical design», etc. To keep up with the times, the following mugs are created in the college: «Computer programming and design», «The Computer publisher», «Yunkor», «Workers’ descendants». The results of their activity can be seen in college newspapers.


A number of sports sections working in the college such as  volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, athletic gymnastics etc. are aimed at  development of a physical condition of the person.
Pupils of the college repeatedly have been among the winners at regional and republican competitions:
1998 — the Candidate for the master of sports, Voloshchik Igor, as a part of a command of the Brest region has won the 1-st place in sport games among youth in the Republic.
1999 – the 3-d place in finals on table tennis in the program of Games of pupils of the TECHNICAL TRAINING      COLLEGES of the Republic of Belarus.
2000 – the 2-nd place in the competition of sports bases of the TECHNICAL TRAINING COLLEGES of the Brest Region;
2002 — the 2-nd   place on volleyball;
2003 —  the 2-nd   place on tennis among young men of the Brest Region;
2005 —  Winners of the republican competition of pupils’ physical training level within youth-sports-physical movement «Olympic hopes of Belarus»
Along with sports events pupils of the college travel all over Belarus.
The most popular route — in historical places — the Nesvizh-Polotsk-Mir.
On the basis of White Lake tourists gatherings, the most interesting competition among pupils, are spent every year


In the college the great attention is given to development of informative interests and creative abilities of pupils. The Olympiads are an old tradition of our educational institution.
Participating in the regional subject Olympiads, our pupils have managed to show good results and practically in all subjects not only have entered into ten leaders, but also became winners. Regional competition of professional skill by a trade «the Electrical engineer on repair and electric equipment service» was successful: 1st command place. At the ninth republican exhibition of methodical materials on formation of culture of a healthy life style for a series of methodical materials «A designing method on education and formation of a healthy life style» our college has been awarded with the diploma of the 1st degree.
For the creative approach and successes in pedagogical activity Pyzhjanova G. M is awarded with a sign «Honour Pedagoge of Education».
The physical training department headed by A.P.Kuzmenya has continued work on realisation of the program «Health».
The team of our college has won the 1st place on the republican competitions of pupils’ physical training level.
Pride of the college is the united creative pedagogical staff which has got certain results. Pupils repeatedly were winners of the regional and republican Olympiads and competitions. The work of pedagogues is noted by prize-winning places both in regional and republican competitions and exhibitions.